How To Reboot and Shutdown System on FreeBsd

FreeBSD is a free and open-source Unix-like operating system descended from the Berkeley Software Distribution, which was based on Research Unix. This post will show you how to power down a FreeBSD system from the command line using Shutdown command. How do I reboot a FreeBSD system using reboot command.

Shutdown Command

The shutdown utility provides an automated shutdown procedure for superusers to nicely notify users when the system is shutting down, saving them from system administrators, hackers, and gurus, who would otherwise not bother with such niceties.

The syntax of the Shutdown command is as follows:

shutdown [-] [-c | -h | -p | -r | -k] [-o [-n]] time


-h The system is halted at the specified time.
-p The system is halted and the power is turned off (hardware support required, otherwise the system is halted) at the specified time.
-r The system is rebooted at the specified time.

Reboot Command

The reboot utilities flush the file system cache to disk, send all running processes a SIGTERM (and subsequently a SIGKILL) and, respectively, restart the system. The action is logged, including entering a shutdown record into the user accounting database.

The syntax of the Reboot command is as follows:

reboot [-cdlNnpqr] [-k kernel]

Power Down System on FreeBSD

If you want to trun the power off immediatelly on your FreeBSD system, and you can run the following command in your terminal:

$ shutdown -p now


$ shudown -h now


$ halt

Reboot System on FreeBSD

If you only want to reboot your FreeBSD system, and you can use reboot or shutdown command as followss:

$ reboot


$ shutdown -r now

If you want to reboot your system in 15 minutes and write a message to all users currently logged in, and you can run the following shutdown command with “-r” option, type:

$ shutdown -r +15 "this system will be rebooted in 15 minutes"


root@freebsd:~ #
*** System shutdown message from root@freebsd ***

System going down at 17:45

this system will be rebooted in 15 minutes

If you want to get more info about those commands, and you can type the following man commands:

$ man shutdown
$ man reboot
$ man halt


You should know that how to shutdown or reboot system from the command line in your FreeBSD system.